We are very sorry!But the lecraemanspage team has now stopped this site, but you may click here to join there army that they have devoted all their time to now!
Welcome to lecraemanspage.synthasite.com enjoy this site!I will post cheats hints and cool stuff!I will have many contests!Check out my BLOG it is where ill inform you about new things and contest! Also check out the EVENTS page it has all the latest pics of cool stuff Ive seen and party's on CLUBPENGUIN,I will post the latest pin and catalog cheats on the CATALOG CHEATS AND PIN page and check out the INVITATIONS page for info on upcoming party's!And try the CLUBPENGUIN PARTYS page!
Also check out my twitter page for updates on partys and more stuff!
Do not copy anything from this site unless the site admin gives public or personnel permission,do not copy from this site it is illegal!

If you'd like to contact me just fill out the form below this message and i will try to read and replie to your message.
This is for those who dont know how to play clubpenguin or are begginers.
If you would like to donate money to me or my site please do,any donation will be accepted with much gratitude!So please donate!